Optimize® FXC DS
Optimize® FXC DS
With fortified LCO-promoter technology and two strains of Bradyrhizobia japonicum, Optimize® FXC DS supports earlier nodule formation, mycorrhizal associations and nitrogen fixation potential.
That means farmers benefit from significantly higher yield expectation and return on investment.
Nodulation: key to plant production
From unsuitable soil conditions to insufficient bacterial populations, a range of factors lead to poor soybean nodulation.
Whatever the cause of poor nodulation, it reduces biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
Biological fixation delivers up to 75% of a soybean crops’ total nitrogen needs. So poor nodulation puts crops at risk of nitrogen deficiency. And that puts farmers yield potential at risk.

LCO: earlier nodulation and improved mycorrhizal associations
If there’s any doubt about whether soil can support good nodulation, farmers need an inoculant with LCO promoter technology. This is a key component of nodulation and mycorrhization.
LCO acts as a communication signal between the plant and rhizobia. That means the plant begins an earlier and more efficient nodulation process for fixing nitrogen.
LCO is also an active spore germinator that boosts mycorrhizal colonization. The result is expanded functional root volume and increased nutrient and water uptake.

Upgrade crop resilience and performance
Optimize® FXC DS features significantly higher concentrations of LCOs. These higher concentrations support earlier nodule formation, mycorrhizal associations and nitrogen fixation potential. It also contains two strains of Bradyrhizobia japonicum to cover a broader range of growing situations.
This upgraded formulation delivers significantly improved root and shoot development. The result is better crop resilience and performance across a wide range of environmental conditions.
Watch the video and learn our long-time Novozymes dealer and customer Lynn Harrell talks about how using Optimize® and JumpStart® together benefits his soybean farming operation.

Optimize® FXC DS features
Higher yield expectation
An upgraded formulation delivers significantly improved root and shoot development, resulting in higher yields.
Higher return on investment
A low use rate and a 120 day on-seed viability gives you more for your money.
Earlier nodulation
Powerful nodulation signaling and spore germinator technology helps to significantly deliver nitrogen to plants.
Optimize® FXC DS: an upgrade that keeps the features you rely on

See what Optimize® FXC DS can do for you
Providing better crop resilience and performance across a wide range of environmental conditions, Optimize® FXC DS is also compatible with a wide range of conventional seed treatments.
Contact your local technical sales manager for more info
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