Phospholipase, Granulate
Lipopan® Prime

Phospholipase, Granulate
Lipopan® Prime
Lipopan® Prime is a cost-effective way to reduce your need for emulsifying agents in most bread making procedures. It has a very high tolerance for lipase-sensitive ingredients such as butter or shortenings with short chain fatty acids. Lipopan® Prime provides optimal dough strengthening for improved crumb structure and volume.
Product features, details and benefits
This product delivers improved dough characteristics with better gas-cell stability. This results in loaves with improved oven spring and increased volume.
Less off-flavor in buttery recipes
This product is highly suited to recipes containing butter or sensitive shortenings. That's because it pairs optimal dough strengthening with far less risk of off-flavor generation.
Uniform crumb structure
This product helps achieve a homogeneous, silky, white crumb with thin-walled porosity.
Less dependence on emulsifiers
This product delivers the dough strengthening needed for high-quality end products. It partially reduces your need for emulsifiers with no loss of performance.
Fat reduction
Enables health claims
Lipopan® Prime unlocks the potential of wheat flour's naturally-occurring lipids to strengthen dough. That can reduce your need for emulsifiers. Lipopan® Prime gives higher mixing and fermentation tolerance. The end result is bread with an improved volume and a finer, more regular crumb appearance.
All our products for dough strengthening
Enzymes deliver a strong, stable dough for improved volume, crumb structure and machinability. Find out more.
Lipopan® Prime
Testing one of our products in your own production is the best way to experience all the benefits.
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