Biosolutions for
plant health
How can you ensure productivity today and keep your fields thriving for generations to come? With biosolutions that work with – not against – traditional products.
Get more from every field
As a farmer you need your fields to produce, no matter the conditions. And you need easy-to-use, proven products to maximize that yield. Products that can work as a stand-alone or with the products you use now.
That takes biosolutions.
Biosolutions make plants healthier
Novonesis products work with the plant and soil to decrease crop stress. They protect plants against disease. They increase nutrient availability. They work with traditional products, not against them.
Trust your fields to the field we’ve always specialized in
Together we can make your business better with innovative biosolutions. You get more yield, more quality, more consistent results and more tailored solutions.
For over a century, we’ve focused on data-driven biological solutions. Novonesis’ foundation is Chr. Hansen and Novozymes, two biotech specialists. As Novonesis, we have the combined experience, technology and application knowledge to deliver exactly what you need.
Reap the power of biology
We believe that biosolutions can help every farmer. And we’re here to make even more people in agriculture experience the power of biology. It’s the only way to keep fields thriving for generations to come.
How may we help you?